Key Publications
- Xu T, Yu X, Perlik A, Tobin W, Zweig J, Tennant K, Jones T, and Zuo Y (2009) Rapid formation and selective stabilization of synapses for enduring motor memories. Nature 462(7275):915-919
- Fu M, Yu X, Lu J and Zuo Y (2012) Repetitive motor learning induces coordinated formation of clustered dendritic spines in vivo. Nature 483(7387):92-95
- Chen C-C, Lu J, Yang R, Ding JB and Zuo Y (2018) Selective activation of parvalbumin interneurons prevents stress-induced synapse loss and perceptual defects. Mol. Psychiatry 23(7):1614-1625
- Cameron LP, Tombari RJ, Lu J, Pell AJ, Hurley ZQ, Ehinger Y, Vargas MV, McCarroll MN, Taylor JC, Myers-Turnbull D, Liu T, Yaghoobi B, Laskowski LJ, Anderson EI, Zhang G, Viswanathan J, Brown BM, Tjia M, Dunlap LE, Rabow ZT, Fiehn O, Wulf H, McCorvy JD, Lein PJ, Kokel D, Ron D, Peters J, Zuo Y and Olson DE (2021) A Non-Hallucinogenic Psychedelic Analog with Therapeutic Potential. Nature 589: 474–479
- Lu J, Tjia M, B, Mullen B, Cao B, Łukasiewicz K, Shah-Morales S, Weiser S, Cameron LP, Olson DE, Chen L and Zuo Y (2021) An analog of psychedelics restores functional neural circuits disrupted by unpredictable stress. Mol. Psychiatry 26(11):6237-6252
All Publications
- Coulson RL, Frattini V, Moyer C, Hodges J, Walter P, Mourrain P, Zuo Y*, and Wang GX* (2024) Translational modulator ISRIB alleviates synaptic and behavioral phenotypes in Fragile X syndrome. iScience 27:109259 *co-corresponding author
- Gredell M, Lu J and Zuo Y (2023) The effect of single-cell knockout of Fragile X Messenger Ribonucleoprotein on synaptic structural plasticity. Front. Synaptic Neurosci. 15:1135479,
- Lin FV, Zuo Y, Conwell Y, and Wang KH (2023) New horizons in emotional well-being and brain aging: potential lessons from cross-species research. Int. J. Geriatr. Psychiatry 38(6):e5936,
- Kogan E, Lu J, and Zuo Y (2023) Cortical circuit dynamics underlying motor skill learning: from mouse to human. Front. Mol. Neurosci.16:1292685,
- Grieco SF, Castrén E, Knudson GM, Kwan A, Olson DE, Zuo Y, Holmes TC, and Xu X (2022) Psychedelics and Neural plasticity: therapeutic implications. J. Neurosci. 42(45):8439-8449,
- Ma S and Zuo Y (2022) Synaptic modifications in learning and memory – a dendritic spine story. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 125:84-90,
- Perna J, Lu J, Mullen B, Liu T, Tjia M, Ackman J and Zuo Y (2021) Perinatal penicillin exposure affects barrel cortical development and sensory processing. Front. Mol. Neurosci.
- Łukasiewicz K, Baker J, Zuo Y and Lu J (2021) Serotonergic psychedelics in neural plasticity Front. Mol. Neurosci. 14:748359,
- Ma X, Wei J, Cui Y, Xia B, Zhang L, Nehme A, Zuo Y, Ferguson D, Levitt P and Qiu S (2021) Disrupted timing of MET signaling derails the developmental maturation of cortical circuits and leads to altered behavior in mice. Cereb. Cortex 32(8):1769-1786
- Lu J, Tjia M, B, Mullen B, Cao B, Łukasiewicz K, Shah-Morales S, Weiser S, Cameron LP, Olson DE, Chen L and Zuo Y (2021) An analog of psychedelics restores functional neural circuits disrupted by unpredictable stress. Mol. Psychiatry, 26(11):6237-6252
- Liu T, Lu J, Łukasiewicz K, Pan B and Zuo Y (2021) Stress induces microglia-associated synaptic circuit alterations in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex. Neurobiol. Stress, 15:100342,
- Bland KM, Aharon A, Widerner EL, Song MI, Casey ZO, Zuo Y* and Vidal GS* (2021) FMRP regulates the subcellular distribution of cortical dendritic spine density in a non-cell-autonomous manner. Neurobio Dis 150:105253 *corresponding authors
- Cameron LP, Tombari RJ, Lu J, Pell AJ, Hurley ZQ, Ehinger Y, Vargas MV, McCarroll MN, Taylor JC, Myers-Turnbull D, Liu T, Yaghoobi B, Laskowski LJ, Anderson EI, Zhang G, Viswanathan J, Brown BM, Tjia M, Dunlap LE, Rabow ZT, Fiehn O, Wulf H, McCorvy JD, Lein PJ, Kokel D, Ron D, Peters J, Zuo Y and Olson DE (2021) A Non-Hallucinogenic Psychedelic Analog with Therapeutic Potential. Nature 589: 474-479. epub online Dec 2020,
- Mehdipour M, Mehdipur T, Skinner CM, Wong N, Liu C, Chen C-C, Okhee J, Zuo Y, Conboy M and Conboy I (2021) Plasma dilution improves cognition and attenuates neuroinflammation in old mice. GeroScience 43:1-18 epub online Nov 2020,
- Lu J and Zuo Y (2020) Shedding light on learning and memory: optical interrogation of the synaptic circuitry. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 67:138-144
- Simhal AK, Zuo Y, Perez M, Madison DV, Sapiro G, Micheva KD (2019) Multifaceted changes in synaptic composition and astrocytic involvement in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome. Sci. Rep. 9:13855
- Clark T, Sullender C, Jacob D, Zuo Y, Dunn A, and Jones T (2019) Rehabilitative training interacts with ischemia-instigated spine dynamics to promote a lasting population of new synapses in peri-infarct motor cortex. J. Neurosci. 39(43):8471-8483
- McBurney-Lin J, Lu J, Zuo Y*, and Yang H* (2019) Locus coeruleus-norepinephrine modulation of sensory processing and perception: a focused review. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev. 105:190-199 *equal contribution
- Mehdipour M, Etienne J, Chen C-C, Gathwala R, Rehman M, Kato C, Liu C, Liu Y, Zuo Y, Conboy MJ, and Conboy IM (2019) Rejuvenation of brain, liver and muscle by simultaneous pharmacological modulation of two signaling determinants, that change in opposite directions with age. Aging 11(15): 5628-5645
- Yang Y, Lu J and Zuo Y (2018) Changes of synaptic structures associated with learning, memory and diseases. Brain Science Advances 4(2):99-117
- Moyer CE, Hiolski EM, Marcinek DJ, Lefebvre KA, Smith DR and Zuo Y (2018) Repeated low level domoic acid exposure increases CA1 VGluT1 levels, but not bouton density, VGluT2 or VGAT levels in the hippocampus of adult mice. Harmful Algae 79:74-86
- Jing M, Zhang P, Wang G, Feng J, Mesik L, Zeng J, Jiang H, Wang S, Looby JC, Guagliardo NA, Langma LW, Lu J, Zuo Y, Talmage DA, Role LW, Barrett PQ, Zhang LI, Luo M, Song Y, Zhu JJ, and Li Y (2018) A genetically-encoded fluorescent acetylcholine indicator for in vitro and in vivo studies. Nat. Biotechnol. 36(8):726-737
- Park E, Tjia M, Zuo Y* and Chen L* (2018) Postnatal ablation of synaptic retinoic acid signaling impairs cortical information processing and sensory discrimination in mice. J. Neurosci. 38(23):5277-5288 *corresponding authors
Clark TA, Fu M, Dunn AK, Zuo Y and Jones TA (2018) Preferential stabilization of newly formed dendritic spines in motor cortex during manual skill learning predicts performance gains, but not memory endurance. Neurobiol. Learn. Mem. 152:50-60 - Moyer CE and Zuo Y (2018) Cortical dendritic spine development and plasticity: insights from in vivo imaging. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 53:76-82
- Chen C-C, Lu J, Yang R, Ding JB and Zuo Y (2018) Selective activation of parvalbumin interneurons prevents stress-induced synapse loss and perceptual defects. Mol. Psych. 23(7):1614-1625
- Zemmar A, Chen C-C, Weinmann O, Kast B, Vajda F, Bozeman J, Isaad N, Zuo Y*, Schwab ME* (2018) Oligodendrocyte- and neuron-specific Nogo-A restrict dendritic branching and spine density in the adult mouse motor cortex. Cereb. Cortex 28(6):2109-2117 *equal contribution
- Martin PM, Stanley RE, Ross AP, Freitas AE, Moyer CE, Brumback AC, Iafrati J, Stapornwongkul KS, Dominguez S, Kivimäe S, Mulligan KA, Pirooznia M, McCombie WR, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Purcell SM, Sanders SJ, Zuo Y, Sohal VS, Cheyette BNR (2018) DIXDC1 contributes to psychiatric susceptibility by regulating dendritic spine and glutamatergic synapse density via GSK3 and Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Mol. Psychiatry 23(2):467-475
- Lu J and Zuo Y (2017) A Local Rebalancing Act Leads to Global Benefit. Neuron 96:712-713
- Tija M, Yu X, Jammu LS, Lu J and Zuo Y (2017) Pyramidal neurons in different cortical layers exhibit distinct dynamics and plasticity of apical dendritic spines. Front. Neural Circuits 11:43
- Hodges JL, Yu X, Gilmore A, Li X, Perna JF, Tjia M, Chen C-C, Bennett H, Lu J and Zuo Y (2017) Astrocytic contributions to synaptic and learning abnormalities in a mouse model of Fragile X Syndrome. Bio. Psych. 82(2):139-149
- Tao X, Lu J, Lam T, Rodriguez R, Zuo Y, Kubby J (2017) A three-photon microscope with adaptive optics for deep-tissue in vivo structural and functional brain imaging. SPIE 10051:100510R
- Lu J, and Zuo Y (2017) Clustered structural and functional plasticity of dendritic spines. Brain Res. Bull.129:18-22
2016 and Earlier
- Yang Y, Liu DQ, Huang W, Deng J, Sun Y, Zuo Y and Poo MM (2016) Selective synaptic remodeling of amygdalocortical connections associated with fear memory. Nat. Neurosci. 19(10):1348-55
- Lu J and Zuo Y (2015) Neuroscience: Forgetfulness illuminated. Nature 525(7569): 324-325
- Zemmar A, Weinmann O, Kellner Y, Yu X, Vicente R, Gullo M, Kasper H, Lussi K, Ristic Z, Luft A, Rioult-Pedotti M, Zuo Y, Zagrebelsky M, and Schwab ME (2014) Neuralization of Nogo-A enhances synaptic plasticity in the rodent motor cortex and improves motor learning in vivo. J. Neurosci. 34(26): 8685-8698
- Chen C, Lu J, and Zuo Y (2014) Spatiotemporal dynamics of dendritic spines in the living brain. Front. Neuroanat. 8:28
- Yu X and Zuo Y (2014) Two-photon in vivo imaging of dendritic spines in the mouse cortex using a thinned-skull preparation. J. Vis. Exp. 87: e51520
- Chen C, Gilmore A, and Zuo Y (2014) Study motor skill learning by single-pellet reaching tasks in mice. J. Vis. Exp. 85: e51238
- Djurisic M, Vidal GS, Mann M, Aharon A, Kim T, Santos AF, Zuo Y, Hubener M, and Shatz C (2013) Spine density regulated by PirB underlies enhanced cortical plasticity in the presence of increased inhibition. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 110(51): 20771-20776
- Yu X, Wang G, Gilmore A, Yee AX, Li X, Xu T, Smith SJ, Chen L, and Zuo Y (2013) Accelerated experience-dependent pruning of cortical synapses in ephrin-A2 knockout mice. Neuron 80(1): 64-71
- Fu M, Yu X, Lu J, and Zuo Y (2012) Repetitive motor learning induces coordinated formation of clustered dendritic spines in vivo. Nature 483(7387):92-5.
- Fu M and Zuo Y (2011) Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the cortex. Trends Neurosci. 34(4):177-187
- Brill MS, Lichtman JW, Thompson W, Zuo Y, Misgeld T. (2011) Spatial constraints dictate glial territories at murine neuromuscular junctions. J. Cell Biol. 195(2):293-305
- Tao X, Azucena O, Fu M, Zuo Y, Chen DC, Kubby J. (2011) Adaptive optics microscopy with direct wavefront sensing using fluorescent protein guide stars. Opt Lett. 36(17):3389-91
- Tao X, Fernandez B, Azucena O, Fu M, Garcia D, Zuo Y, Chen DC, Kubby J (2011) Adaptive optics confocal microscopy using direct wavefront sensing. Opt. Lett. 36(7):1062-1064
- Yu X and Zuo Y (2011) Spine plasticity in the motor cortex. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 21(1):169-174
- Xu T, Yu X, Perlik A, Tobin W, Zweig J, Tennant K, Jones T, and Zuo Y (2009) Rapid formation and selective stabilization of synapses for enduring motor memories. Nature 462(7275):915-919
- Zuo Y and Bishop D (2009) Glial imaging during synapse remodeling at the neuromuscular junction. Neuron Glia Biol. 4(4):319-326
- Grunditz A, Holbro N, Tian L, Zuo Y, and Oertner TG (2008) Spine neck plasticity controls postsynaptic calcium signals through electrical compartmentalization. J. Neurosci. 28(50):13457-13466